Ant Pest Control & Advice
Predator Pest Solutions are specialists in treating ant infestations. If you would like a free no obligation quote, please call us on 0800 112 3480 or fill in the form on the right.
Information On Ants
There are numerous ant species in the UK with the majority most likely to live outside your property, setting up their colonies almost anywhere including in lawns, the roots of plants/trees and under stones or paving.
As ants can colonise almost anywhere, it will be difficult to identify every colony or prevent their return to your garden, but ants can also nest in the fabric of a building, in areas such as cavity walls, heating/electrical ducting, and cracks to rendering or around window frames. If they find food or water they will quickly encourage others to join them by using their pheromone scent trail and once established it will soon become a regularly used route.
Pharaoh and some other ant species are only found indoors in the UK, as they cannot live outside due to their reliance on a warm and humid environment all year round. These ants are smaller than the more common black or red ant species at around 1-2mm in length, and are a pale yellow brown in colour.
Ant Infestation & Risks
It is the worker ants that usually cause problems for humans whilst they forage for food, water or nesting materials, but between July and September some ants develop wings and fly in large numbers, invading homes and gardens in their quest for food or a place to establish a new colony. These swarms normally only last for 2-3 hours before the male ants die off and the females shed their wings, before burrowing into the soil where they remain during the winter.
Ants usually invade a property for food, water and/or shelter and are particularly attracted to sweet smelling foods such as jam or honey but they can eat almost any food. They are more of a nuisance, rather than any significant health risk, but some can give a painful sting or bite that can result in an allergic reaction.
Ant Nest Pest Control
Internal ant nests such as those of the pharaoh’s ant are more difficult to treat, as locating the source of the infestation can be extremely difficult. It is vital to treat any internal infestation correctly, as otherwise the ants can split their nest and rapidly set up new colonies. It is therefore recommended that you do not attempt to treat any internal ant infestation yourself, but use the services of a professional pest control technician. They can use alternative methods such as juvenile hormone analogues to control the infestation, but even with the correct treatment, it can take many months to control and require several visits; as if the nest cannot be completely destroyed, the colony will quickly recover.
Some ant infestations, especially those in commercial or multi-occupancy buildings may require additional visits to eradicate all activity.
In most situations it takes up to 60 minutes for our technician to complete their risk assessment, the required treatment and brief the customer on the actions taken and next steps, but this can be extended if the infestation is in numerous areas or other hazardous conditions exist.
If you have an ant infestation:
- Do NOT treat an internal ant infestation yourself as this can make the situation worse.
- Fill any cracks and seal any access points around windows or doors.
- Disinfect around these areas and any ant trails which have been observed, to remove any residual pheromone scent.
- Identify the location of any external ant nests and treat by either carefully pouring boiling water in the exposed nest or placing ant powder around and into the nest.
- Restrict food sources by storing food within rigid containers.
- Sweep up food spillages immediately and don’t leave uncovered food lying around.
- Regularly clean under kitchen units, appliances and in any other areas where food debris or grease can build.
- Call Predator Pest Solutions on Freephone 0800 112 3480.
On arrival, our technician will:
- Establish the species of ant, the location of the nest and size of the infestation.
- Identify any routes being used and their food sources.
- Determine the most appropriate method for access and treatment.
- Brief the customer on their findings and recommended next steps.
- Ensure the safety of others & protect any food preparation areas.
- Wear their protective equipment and commence with the treatment.
- Determine the correct and optimum locations for any gel baits, surface insecticides or colony eliminators and deploy these with minimum impact to the customer.
- If required, implement a regular monitoring regime and maintain a site plan of the bait or monitor locations.
- Ensure the area is left safe and provide a written report.